
My research interests are related to commercial sex and the way it is considered a phenomenon at the margins of our society. What if it actually is the core of what our whole society and culture is about?

We make oppositions in our thinking and language, such as marriage-prostitution, slave-free, whore-madonna, rich-poor, citizen-immigrant, single-couple and so on. Without the legal, financial and cultural structures and social norms these oppositions could not exist, neither in language nor lived realities. Therefore, I suggest in my research, that taking such a stigmatized phenomenon as commercial sex as the target of investigation and apply a combination of theoretical concepts and tools from gender studies, comparative religion, economics and social sciences we can reach a new level of awareness regarding our culture and society and our place in it. And from there outline efficient political tools to make a real change for a more egalitarian just world rather that just running identity-politics within the neoliberal, patriarchal framework without changing the actual structural framework creating these identities.

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