Love Crossing Boundaries

This exhibition was the first of a series of outdoor exhibitions arranged at the Luostarin Välikatu by Nana Blomqvist as pat of the project Boundary Transgressing Dialogue Culture. This was exhibited in the summer 2021. The idea of an outdoor exhibition was born out of the limitations of the pandemic restrictions.

Here you can see the content of the exhibition online after the physical exhibition is over. In order to read the caption texts, pause the slide show and zoom in on the text. Three of the original pictures have on this plattform been changed to illustrations made by Jenny Wiik based on the artists works, to reduce the exposure of the faces on these pictures of freely accessible plattforms like this one. Artists: Rewan Kakil and Saara Aina.

It si not allowed to download and use the pictures.

“In their eyes I’m a wallet on wheels”

Through art we wanted to thematise different patterns of oppression and stigmatization that are exercised within and over ethnic boundaries. We wanted to investigate patterns that manifest themselves in different parts of life, however perhaps significantly when knots of love, marriage, relationship and companionships are tied in ways that go against the expectations and norms of the respective communities.

Through this exhibition we will follow how patriarchy and ideologies of ethnic superiority operate through different patterns of oppression and stigmatisation. 

What happens when love crosses the boundaries of the patriarchal fragile masculinity, the subservient femininity, the expected to be hidden disabled bodiedness and perceived ethnic or religious boundaries?

Follow the journey through these questions through the narratives of seven different couples and the challenges, but also support they’ve met from both their own and the community of their partner of choice.

These people have found their love and home with each other regardless of all the boundaries they had to cross and stigmatisations they had to challenge.

All couples currently live in Finland.

Exhibition is provided by Hub Turku Ry/Boundary Transgressing Dialogue Culture

Project manager: Nana Blomqvist
Artists: Rewan Kakil and Saara Aina
Graphic designer: Jenny Wiik

This unique outdoor exhibition on the oldest city part in Finland is made possible by the funding of Stiftelsen för Åbo Akademi, who funded the building of these outdoor exhibition frames. The frames are built by Hasan Al-Rubaye.

This exhibition and a panel discussion The Fire of Love and Hate, was part of the Aboagora symposium the 20th of August. More about Aboagora here 

The panel:
: Nana Blomqvist
Panellists: Tuija Saresma and Hannaneh Mahmoudian